Speaker: Rob Paugh
Messages by Rob Paugh
July 21, 2024
Speaker: Rob Paugh
Topic: Courage, Evangelism, Faith, Obstacles, Prayer, Rescue, Responsibility, Sacrifice, Salvation, Spiritual warfare
Campus: Gahanna
This message emphasizes the urgency and responsibility of Christians to rescue the spiritually lost, drawing parallels to a historic Coast Guard rescue. It highlights the obstacles, sacrifices, and the critical role of the Church in evangelism, urging believers to actively share the Gospel and lead others to salvation.
July 7, 2024
Speaker: Rob Paugh
Topic: Christian Witness, Grace and Truth, Holiness, Inner Transformation, Jesus' Teachings, Judging Others, Pharisees' Religion, Self-Effort vs. Divine Strength, Self-Righteousness, Spiritual Balance
Campus: Gahanna
Balance is important to every part of our lives. Balance brings health, but when something is out of balance, it usually communicates to us that something is not right. Our spiritual lives require balance as well. When we are out of balance spiritually, it is never a good thing, for us, or those we seek to love. We’ll explore a parable that Jesus taught about the importance of balance in our spiritual lives.
June 23, 2024
Speaker: Rob Paugh
Topic: Compassion, Forgiveness, Grace, Hypocrisy, Judgment, Legalism, Mercy, Redemption, Second Chances, Sin
Campus: Gahanna
In everything and in every way Jesus is our example. This week we are going to explore how Jesus treated someone who was not very much appreciated in her day and use His example as a template for how we should treat and interact with people today.
June 16, 2024
Speaker: Rob Paugh
Topic: Biblical foundation, Church's role, Discipleship, Generation, Loneliness, Morality, Parental influence, Self-worth, Social media impact, Spiritual warfare
Campus: Gahanna
It can’t be a surprise to any of us that America is in the midst of an intense cosmic spiritual war. This spiritual war is so intense, you can almost see it in happening in the physical realm.
May 19, 2024
Series: Shaped for Greatness
Speaker: Rob Paugh
Topic: Consequences of Sin, Divine Comfort, Fallen World, God's Purpose, Helping Others, Painful Experiences, Positive Experiences, Spiritual Background, Spiritual Growth, Suffering for Christ
Campus: Gahanna
We all have experiences, positive and negative that have influenced us and help make us into the people we are today. Did you know that God is working behind the scenes in every experience to help you grow and to help you help others?
May 12, 2024
Series: Shaped for Greatness
Speaker: Rob Paugh
Topic: Authentic Relationships, Christian Ministry, Effective Service, God’s Design, Holy Spirit, Natural Abilities, Personal Style, Reducing Burnout, Serving God, Spiritual Gifts
Campus: Gahanna
Discover how your unique spiritual gifts, natural abilities, and personal style can be harnessed to serve God’s purposes and make a lasting impact in the Body of Christ.
May 5, 2024
Series: Shaped for Greatness
Speaker: Rob Paugh
Topic: Burden, Calling, Dream, God’s Will, Ministry, Passion, Purpose, Service, Spiritual Gifts, Vision
Campus: Gahanna
Passion is the God-given energy that drives us to serve and glorify Him.