Topic: Salvation
September 22, 2024
Series: The Jesus Way
Speaker: Nick Shaner
Topic: Authority Of Jesus, Beatitudes, Forgiveness Of Sins, God's Rule And Reign, Good News, Kingdom Of God, Repentance, Salvation, Sermon On The Mount, Spiritual Dependence
Campus: Johnstown
Recognizing our complete dependence on God is the key to experiencing His kingdom on earth.
July 21, 2024
Speaker: Rob Paugh
Topic: Courage, Evangelism, Faith, Obstacles, Prayer, Rescue, Responsibility, Sacrifice, Salvation, Spiritual warfare
Campus: Gahanna
This message emphasizes the urgency and responsibility of Christians to rescue the spiritually lost, drawing parallels to a historic Coast Guard rescue. It highlights the obstacles, sacrifices, and the critical role of the Church in evangelism, urging believers to actively share the Gospel and lead others to salvation.