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Our Vision Frame

Our vision and core values at Shepherd

our mission

Our mission is helping people take their next step toward Jesus.

our map

Our strategy to breathe life to our mission and values:

  1. Encounter God's Presence in Worship
  2. Experience Life Change in Groups
  3. Engage Daily in Spiritual Development
  4. Expand God's Kingdom in Service and Leadership

our motives

We hold these values to see our vision come to reality:

  1. The Bible matters.
  2. Lost people matter.
  3. Every generation matters.
  4. Serving matters.
  5. Life together matters.
  6. Prayer matters.

our measures

We will measure our success with this criteria:

  1. Salvation
  2. Transforming culture
  3. Relationships
  4. Our faith story
  5. Nature of servant
  6. Generosity